In search of (Tadao) Ando
Upon my return from Japan I have started to write for the portal of the Architects’ Association in B&H on a weekly basis, about my family’s daily life in Japan. It is a free form text, gonzo, in some parts satirical, ironical, humorous but also serious, going from how to shop to how to commute or just enjoy sake. The title is based on my list of things that I wanted to see while in Japan, that features 3 churches done by Tadao Ando – two in Osaka and one in Hokkaido and I realized that it is not going to happen after spending my first week in Tokyo 🙂
Unfortunately, I am writing it in Bosnian, with heavy uses of colloquialism, slang, and what I like to call “schizophrenic multiple nationalities disorder” style, therefore google translate or any other translating algorithm wouldn´t do it a justice. And satire is based on historical, economic and political references between Japan and Bosnia. So it should be really understandable to every Bosnian or those who know the situation in Bosnia.
I would like to invite you to try to read it with the help of google translate but if it doesn´t work, please, take a look at photos provided with each text. Alice, just follow the link down bellow