Comics Workshop @ KidsFest 2013, Sarajevo
Organized by the Foundation Publika, together with Azra Pita Parente, I lead comics workshop for kids at the 10th Kids Fest, Sarajevo. The name of the workshop was STRIPOWER: Zone of nonviolence, as we chose nonviolence as a topic of the workshop. For 4 days we held 12 workshops for around 300 kids of all ages, including group of kids with special needs. The kids were great and the workshops were very fruitful. There were a few annoying obstacles in the organization that were unexpected since this was the 10th Kids Fest already.
The thing that was very upsetting was EUFOR/NATO workshop that was held outdoor. In time when we had, for the first time after the war, a civil disobedience and protests in Sarajevo, the kids were given opportunity to try full Riot Control gear. Also, as a part of promotional material they handed color yourself papers with drawings of armed soldiers and tanks. If the purpose of EUFOR/NATO in Bosnia is to maintain stable and demilitarized zone, than with this workshop they are doing it just great.